Most workplaces have adapted to our always-on culture by supporting remote workers and encouraging an expanded idea of the workday. Mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, make this flexibility possible by allowing employees to work from home, out in the field, or while in transit. Entrepreneur Magazine reports that 90% of companies use corporate applications that run on mobile devices.
More and more companies are taking advantage of the popularity of mobility to increase productivity. Strategy Analytics, a business analytics consultant, predicts that the mobile workforce will rise to 1.75 billion in 2020, making up 42% of the global workforce.
Equipment service technicians from industries such as oil, gas, and manufacturing can especially benefit from access to Enterprise Asset Management systems (EAMs) through mobile devices. Mobile access allows them to complete work-related tasks, including monitoring inventory and planning maintenance checks, via their smartphone or tablet. Equipment is often kept out in the field, often in multiple remote locations. In this type of environment, the use of mobile devices is the only way to track and monitor records in a timely manner.
Working Smarter in the Field
Out in the field, technicians need quick and easy access to equipment statuses in order to make real-time maintenance and inventory decisions. Mobile devices allow workers to inspect equipment without removing it from the production environment. Recording timely information is especially important when trying to schedule predictive maintenance. Information can be recorded and retrieved anywhere, at any time.
Mobile EAM also cuts down on travel. Traveling back-and-forth to a company’s headquarters doesn’t make sense when remote locations are spread over a wide geographical area. Mobile EAM means technicians no longer need to run back to the main office to record their findings. Instead, they can perform inspections and immediately file their reports from the site. Even so, their findings can be viewed at the home office.
Saying Goodbye to Clipboards
In the past, technicians had to lug unwieldy clipboards, manuals, and paper reports to a worksite. Today, mobile enables technicians to view all the necessary documents on the screens of their smartphones or tablets. Every bit of information they need is at their fingertips, from job and safety plans to asset and repair histories. They can also view maintenance contracts, warranties, shipment forms, and operating manuals.
Before mobile, information had to be recorded by hand and then transcribed once a technician returned to the office. Transcribing data created the possibility of errors entering the record. With mobile, data only needs to be recorded once, improving the accuracy of reports and increasing workplace efficiency.
With mobile devices, technicians can also take advantage of new ways to access data. Many pieces of equipment have sensors, barcodes, or RFID chips that record information about asset status. Mobile devices can be used to read these chips so assets can be tracked.
Taking EAM to the Next Level
An EAM is a great way to centralize your company’s equipment inventory. Adopting mobile EAM ensures that the information collected about your equipment is up-to-date and accurate. It empowers your technicians to perform inspections in the field by arming them with all the information they need. No matter how distant the main office is from the field, equipment can be monitored and maintained effectively.
With the right mobile EAM provider, information is responsive, cleanly organized, and usable on the screen of any type of mobile device. Intelligent Technology Solutions (ITS) specializes in EAM solutions. If your business is already using an EAM system and wants to take it to the next level with mobile, ITS can lead the way.
Want to learn more about how mobile can enhance your EAM? Reach out to ITS today.
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